In this blog post I will show you how to modify a knitting pattern for a different yarn weight. I have gotten quite a few questions about this topic lately. Therefore I feel like this is a subject worth exploring in a dedicated blog post. This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small …
How To Make A Dried Flower Wreath
In this blogpost I will share with you how to make a dried flower wreath. On more and more days now, the sun is shining for hours from a cloudless sky. And although it is still rather cold around here, it feels like spring might be just around the corner. Early bloomers like snowdrops, crocuses …
Dyeing Yarn with Elderberry (Elder)
Did you know that you can create several different colorways when dyeing yarn with elderberry (elder)? Elderberry, also known as elder, is a versatile natural dyestuff which allows you to use different parts of the plant for natural dyeing purposes. This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you use these …
Our Approach Towards Sustainable Housing
In a recent newsletter, I shared some information about the renovation of our 110 year old home. Afterwards, several people reached out to me and were interested in learning more about our approach towards sustainable housing and renovation. Sustainability is a key value for me. Not only in my natural dyeing and handmade wardrobe endeavors, …
Wardrobe Staple Knitted Cardigans (3 Favorite Knitting Patterns)
Today’s post is all about wardrobe staples. But not just any wardrobe staple, knitted cardigans is what I want to talk about with you. Since you seem to enjoy my mini-series on favorite patterns, I decided to continue with the theme and share three of my favorite cardigan knitting patterns with you. In the past …
Easy Hat Knitting Patterns (3 Recommendations)
In this blog post I will share 3 easy hat knitting patterns with you. All of these patterns are favorites of mine. They are not only relatively easy to make but also look and fit beautifully. This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you use these links, at no cost …
Easy Yoke Sweater Knitting Pattern (Three Favorites)
Looking for an easy yoke sweater knitting pattern to snuggle up in during the upcoming fall and winter months? In this blogpost I will share three of my favorite patterns with you. This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you use these links, at no cost to you. As an …
How To Dye With Nettles
If you would like to learn how to dye with nettles, this blog post is for you. You can use nettles as a dyestuff for both wool and fabric. You just have to be aware that the mordanting part of the dyeing process differs whether you are using protein (wool) or cellulose fibers (e.g. cotton, …
Overdyeing And Modifying Yarn Colors You Don’t Like
Today’s topic is all about overdyeing and modifying yarn colors you don’t like. Let’s talk about what you can do when you are not content with the yarn color you created. With natural dyeing, you never completely know how the final colorway is going to look like. To me, personally, this is part of the …
How To Dye With Dyer’s Chamomile (Solar Dyeing)
In this blogpost I will show you one way of how to dye with dyer’s chamomile. For this experiment, I opted for the solar dyeing method. Instead of the regular dyeing process where you heat the dyestuff in a pot of water, solar dyeing utilizes the power of the sun to slowly and gently dye …